CTKCLIP.COM Highlights 2024
Reflecting on a Year of Impactful Moments
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CTKCLIP.COM Highlights 2024
Reflecting on a Year of Impactful Moments
As 2024 comes to an end, we’re reflecting on the incredible journey CTKCLIP.COM has experienced this year.
Reflecting on 2024
This year has been defined by key milestones and remarkable achievements, highlighting a period of growth, innovation, and unforgettable moments. In this blog post, we’re sharing the standout highlights that made 2024 a year to remember for our community and clients.
New Formulas & Packaging
2024 has been an exciting year of innovation, marked by the launch of new formulas and packaging. We introduced 344 new formulas to better meet the evolving needs of our clients, offering a wide range of fresh options for their beauty collections. In addition, we unveiled 423 new packaging designs, bringing greater variety and creativity to enhance product appeal while prioritizing sustainability.
New Services
To better meet the evolving needs of our clients, we’ve introduced several new services this year. Our OTC (Over-the-Counter) service makes it easier to launch sunscreens, acne treatments, and skin protectant products that comply with regulatory standards in the U.S. We also rolled out Clinical Test, providing reliable, science-backed data to ensure product safety and efficacy with one report, available for over 35 countries. Additionally, our Logo&Go service enables clients to quickly personalize and launch products, simplifying the process of bringing custom-branded products to market. These new services are designed to enhance efficiency and offer tailored solutions for our clients.
What if your next order came with something extra—something unexpected yet perfectly aligned with your needs? In 2025, we’re preparing our new service GWP (Gift with Purchase) a new offering that could make every purchase even more rewarding. Keep an eye out!
Special Collections
We launched four unique collections, each crafted to address specific skincare needs and achieve remarkable results. Dermabright focused on brightening and evening skin tone, offering a radiant complexion. Apothe:Kare #1 combined natural ingredients with advanced technology for deep hydration and protection. Forever Young was designed to combat signs of aging, reducing fine lines and promoting youthful, glowing skin. Finally, Apothe:Kare #2 followed up with targeted solutions for skin repair and nourishment, improving overall skin health. Each collection was a success, and we’re thrilled with the positive feedback they received.
Global Exhibitions, Appreciation & Recognition
In 2024, CTKCLIP.COM had the privilege of participating in global exhibitions, showcasing our innovations and connecting with industry leaders worldwide. We are deeply grateful for the overwhelming response and for everyone who engaged with us.
We were also honored with prestigious awards, including the Packaging Design & Materials Award at Cosmopack Asia 2024 for our Eco-Slide Cream Jar, and the Full Service Winner title at the IT Awards 2024 for our Aqua-Zero Film Sheet. These recognitions reflect our commitment to sustainable, functional beauty packaging.
Thank you to all who visited and supported us — your feedback drives our passion for creating eco-conscious solutions.
A Special Thank You
As we look back on this incredible year, we want to express our deepest gratitude to all of our clients—old and new. Your continued trust and support have been the driving force behind our success, and we are honored to be your go-to partner for creating your beauty and cosmetics lines. We’re excited about the future and are committed to helping you bring your visions to life. Wishing you a joyful holiday season and looking forward to achieving even greater things together in the coming year!
19 FEB 2025
05 FEB 2025
17 JAN 2025
27 DEC 2024
04 DEC 2024
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- 제보하기 코너는 안전한 보안체계로 보호되고 있으며, 제보조사 업무는 지정된 담당자에 의해 보안 유지 하에 처리됩니다
수집항목 : 성명,연락처
수집목적 : 제보에 따른 민원처리 및 처리결과 회신
보유기간 : 위 목적 달성시까지 보유하며, 제보 확인 이외의 다른 목적으로 사용되지 않습니다.