Journey of Innovation and Connection
Highlights from MakeUp in LA 2025
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Journey of Innovation and Connection
Highlights from MakeUp in LA 2025
Welcome to Our MULA 2025 Experience
In February, we proudly participated in MakeUp in LA 2025, where we reconnected with familiar faces and welcomed new ones. From Seoul to Los Angeles, our journey was driven by a passion for showcasing our services, sparking creativity, and building lasting global relationships. This year’s event was a major success, with approximately 140 global companies in attendance, all sharing the latest trends and innovations in beauty.
The excitement surrounding CTKCLIP was evident throughout the event, as many global customers inquired about registering on the platform. This surge in inquiries highlights the growing interest in CTKCLIP, particularly among international manufacturers and businesses. With our platform's expanding global reach and robust services, including LOW-MOQ production, OTC, and customized packaging, and other., the interest from customers has significantly increased. We are now poised to see a substantial rise in international customer engagement as global companies recognize the value of joining CTKCLIP, which offers quick market responsiveness and a comprehensive, one-stop solution.
Our booth became a vibrant hub for international connections, attracting visitors from Italy, the UK, Mexico, Germany, Brazil, and the USA. We received many inquiries about formula country compliance, highlighting the increasing importance of ensuring products meet global regulations. Whether engaging with ambitious startups or established global brands, it is clear that the beauty world is coming together to create a future that embraces innovation and sustainability.
We are thrilled to share that two of our standout innovations were honored as finalists at MULA 2025:
IT Awards Finalist (Packaging): The ID Lip & Concealer
Our ID Lip & Concealer packaging offers a unique blend of design and sustainability. The engraved applicator transforms each use into a sensory experience, while the eco-friendly PET material eliminates the need for ink or molds. This minimalist, sustainable design highlights our commitment to environmentally responsible packaging.Read more in our latest blog.
Ocean Awards Finalist: Seabreeze Spicule Serum
The Seabreeze Spicule Serum formula embodies sustainable beauty through innovation. Featuring upcycled Sargassum seaweed and Pickering Emulsion Technology, it offers an eco-friendly alternative to traditional surfactants. The micro-needle spicules gently stimulate skin renewal, while the green capsules provide a soothing visual and tactile experience. This formula is a testament to our mission of reducing marine impact and promoting biodiversity.
Remember, at CTKCLIP.COM, you can create your own cosmetics products with our turnkey solutions by selecting your formula and packaging.
MakeUp in LA 2025 was more than an exhibition—it was a celebration of creativity, connection, and sustainability. We are grateful for every conversation and excited for future collaborations. Thank you for visiting our booth—see you at the next event!
19 FEB 2025
05 FEB 2025
17 JAN 2025
27 DEC 2024
04 DEC 2024
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제보자의 신상정보와 제보내용은 보호되며, 제보자 본인의 동의 없이 그 신분을 노출하거나 이를 암시하는 어떤한 정보도 공개하지 않습니다.
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- 단, 익명 제보의 경우 내용이 구체적이지 않거나, 사실관계가 불분명할 경우 조사를 진행하지 않을 수 있습니다.
- 제보자에 대한 보복이나 불이익 제공 등의 제보자 보호 위반행위는 취업규칙 등 사내 규정에 따라 엄격히 처벌됩니다.
- 제보하기 코너는 안전한 보안체계로 보호되고 있으며, 제보조사 업무는 지정된 담당자에 의해 보안 유지 하에 처리됩니다
수집항목 : 성명,연락처
수집목적 : 제보에 따른 민원처리 및 처리결과 회신
보유기간 : 위 목적 달성시까지 보유하며, 제보 확인 이외의 다른 목적으로 사용되지 않습니다.