The ID Lip & Concealer
Finalist in the MakeUp in LA IT AWARDS 2025
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The ID Lip & Concealer
Finalist in the MakeUp in LA IT AWARDS 2025
Tailor Your Touch: Spatula or Lip Applicator?
The ID Lip & Concealer is making a significant mark in the beauty industry, not just for its innovative design but also for its ability to blend functionality with clever marketing. As a finalist in the MakeUp in LA IT AWARDS 2025, it has been celebrated for its groundbreaking packaging and the thoughtful approach behind its creation. Jury comment: “Clever marketing concept engraved in the mold.”
This award-nominated design will be on display at MakeUp in Los Angeles on February 12-13. We invite you to stop by our booth and explore how this unique packaging can enhance your product line and take your brand to the next level.
What makes it attractive?
The ID Lip & Concealer introduces a unique approach to packaging by combining design, sensory appeal, and eco-conscious production. Upon opening the product, the applicator fills the engraved pattern with the product, creating a satisfying tactile experience for the user. This clever feature transforms the act of opening and using the product into a sensory interaction, allowing the user to feel a deeper connection with the brand. The packaging is made from eco-friendly PET material and is ㅇdesigned without the use of ink or molds, contributing to environmental sustainability.
Eye-catching Versatile Designs
The ID Lip & Concealer offers a choice between two distinct applicators, each designed for a specific use. You can select between the Lip Applicator, designed for precise lip application, or the Spatula Applicator, optimized for smooth and even application over larger areas, such as concealer. These two applicators are separate options and are not included in the same packaging, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your product's needs.
How It Can Benefit Your Business
From a business perspective, this innovative packaging brings added value through several key factors:
Reduced Production Costs: The use of laser engraving instead of traditional molds reduces initial development costs and simplifies the production process, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
Brand Differentiation: The sensory experience provided by the engraved design and the eco-conscious materials can differentiate your brand in a crowded market. This unique packaging element will stand out on shelves and create an emotional connection with customers.
Eco-Friendly Appeal: With the increasing demand for sustainability, using recyclable PET material and eliminating ink and printing processes appeals to environmentally-conscious consumers, further enhancing your brand’s appeal.
The ID Lip & Concealer exemplifies the power of thoughtful design and innovative packaging. With its unique blend of sensory appeal, environmental sustainability, and versatile functionality, it offers a differentiated product experience that speaks directly to modern consumers' values.
Interested in incorporating this innovative packaging
into your product line?
Reach out to us for more information clicking below!
19 FEB 2025
05 FEB 2025
17 JAN 2025
27 DEC 2024
04 DEC 2024
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수집목적 : 제보에 따른 민원처리 및 처리결과 회신
보유기간 : 위 목적 달성시까지 보유하며, 제보 확인 이외의 다른 목적으로 사용되지 않습니다.