CTKCLIP at Cosmoprof Asia 2024
Beauty in Focus with Stick Solutions for Modern Lifestyles
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CTKCLIP at Cosmoprof Asia 2024
Beauty in Focus with Stick Solutions for Modern Lifestyles
One of the most anticipated events of the year has come to an exciting close, and what an experience it was!
From November 12 to 14, CTKCLIP proudly participated in Cosmoprof Asia 2024 in Hong Kong,
where we unveiled our Stick Series, inspired by today’s hottest trends. Paired with our IT Award-winning packaging, recognized for the 2nd consecutive year, this concept received glowing customer feedback and sparked significant interest. Curious to learn more? Read our blog to discover the story behind this innovative series and why it’s making waves in the beauty industry.
In 2023, our Bottoms Up Stick packaging was honored with the Cosmopack Award for Packaging Sustainability, a testament to our commitment to innovation and eco-conscious design. Building on this success, we are thrilled to announce that this year, we have won the prestigious Cosmopack Award for the Eco-Slide Cream Jar, further solidifying our position as leaders in sustainable beauty packaging.
Our Main Concept: STICK SERIES!
The Stick Series took center stage at our showcase this year 2024, celebrating the rising popularity of stick formulations that combine convenience, portability, and high performance. These versatile products are revolutionizing skincare and makeup routines for modern lifestyles.
Inspired by the idea that every day is a new scene in your personal story, the Stick Series empowers you to step confidently into the spotlight. These easy-to-use products help you shine effortlessly—whether you’re starring in your morning routine or preparing for a big event.
At the exhibition, we introduced a range of innovative stick formulations, including: suncare, moisturizers, spicule wrinkle care, cleansers, tinted moisturizers and multi-use products for lips and cheeks.
Limelight Sun Stick and Behind Cut Spicule Wrinkle Balm
One standout product was the Limelight Sun Stick (Theoretical SPF 50). With a simple uncap, glide, and shine, this sun stick provides an invisible shield against harmful rays while adding a hint of glitter for a glistening, non-greasy finish. Customers praised its smooth texture and the subtle glitter, making it a favorite for sun protection with a touch of sparkle.
Another highlight was the Behind Cut Spicule Wrinkle Balm. Unlike traditional spicule products, which are often found in serums or watery textures, this balm stick introduced a completely new way to experience spicule skincare. Designed for precise application, it’s convenient, safe, and perfect for targeting specific areas anytime, anywhere. Visitors were captivated by this innovative approach.
The exhibition also showcased compact, trendy packaging designs that captured attendees’ attention, reflecting the practicality and aesthetic appeal of the Stick Series.
A Proud Moment: Winning at the Cosmopack Awards
This is the second consecutive year that we have been honored at the prestigious Cosmopack Awards, which celebrate groundbreaking innovation and sustainability. This year, our Eco-Slide Cream Jar was recognized for its innovative and eco-conscious design. Featuring a patented sliding mechanism that eliminates the need for a separate inner cup, this jar significantly reduces plastic usage. Its minimalist, mono-material design ensures recyclability, combining functionality with aesthetic excellence—a true game-changer in sustainable beauty packaging.
In 2023, our Bottoms Up Stick packaging received the award for Packaging Sustainability, thanks to its unique refillable design that minimizes waste while maintaining a sleek and functional aesthetic. This dual recognition reinforces our dedication to creating packaging solutions that are as innovative as they are sustainable.
Our eco-friendly packaging innovations showcase our unwavering commitment to sustainability while delivering the aesthetic and functional excellence that the beauty industry demands. Winning these awards two years in a row reaffirms our passion for impactful solutions that drive positive change.
For more details about our 2023 award-winning "Bottoms Up" Stick packaging, visit last year's blog post here.
As Cosmoprof Asia 2024 comes to a close, we’re inspired to continue shaping the future of beauty. Stay tuned for more updates, innovative launches, and behind-the-scenes insights from CTKCLIP.
See you there!
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수집목적 : 제보에 따른 민원처리 및 처리결과 회신
보유기간 : 위 목적 달성시까지 보유하며, 제보 확인 이외의 다른 목적으로 사용되지 않습니다.