CTKCLIP Wins Cosmopack Asia 2024
Leading the Future of Eco-Friendly Beauty Packaging
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CTKCLIP Wins Cosmopack Asia 2024
Leading the Future of Eco-Friendly Beauty Packaging
At CTKCLIP, we’re excited to share a milestone that reflects our dedication to innovation and sustainability.
Our Eco-Slide Cream Jar won the Packaging Design & Materials award at Cosmopack Asia 2024 in Hong Kong. This recognition celebrates our work to create eco-friendly, functional, and customizable packaging that meets the demands of today’s conscious consumers. As we continue to lead in sustainable beauty packaging, we’re honored to have our efforts recognized on such a prominent stage.
We’re thrilled to announce that our Eco-Slide Cream Jar took home the Packaging Design & Materials award at Cosmopack Asia 2024 in Hong Kong. Made from 100% PET resin, our jar reduces plastic use by an impressive 40-50% compared to conventional packaging, reflecting our commitment to pushing the boundaries of sustainable beauty.
This packaging offers a new and simple way to refill. With a sliding mechanism, the inner pot smoothly slides into the outer case, making refilling easy and enjoyable for consumers - a smart step forward in refillable packaging.
Made with 100% PET, the Eco-Slide Jar is fully recyclable and significantly reduces plastic use. It also allows brands to customize the outer container with sustainable materials like wood or recycled paper, giving each brand a personalized, eco-conscious look.
Our jar is built to suit today’s consumer needs, from an optional built-in applicator in the lid to versatile set configurations. Every feature is created to bring a premium experience to eco-friendly beauty, making sustainability more accessible and stylish.
With the Eco-Slide Cream Jar, we’re leading a new era in eco-conscious beauty packaging - one that combines thoughtful design, convenience, and sustainability. This award is more than an honor; it’s a testament to our mission to make sustainable choices accessible and attractive for brands and consumers alike.
Explore the future of beauty packaging with us and see how we’re shaping a more responsible industry. Alongside our sustainable designs, CTKCLIP's Custom Tooling service empowers brands to create distinctive packaging that reflects their unique vision. From initial concept through to production, our Custom Tooling service combines advanced design expertise and precision engineering to deliver high-quality, bespoke solutions that truly stand out. Whether refining an existing design or developing a new one, CTKCLIP ensures your packaging aligns with your brand identity while maintaining durability and functionality.
Start creating with CTKCLIP today!
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