K.BRAND : Oclearin
Where Nature Meets Skincare
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K.BRAND : Oclearin
Where Nature Meets Skincare
Where Nature Meets Skincare
O'Clearien is dedicated to harnessing the purity of nature to enhance skin health. By focusing on natural ingredients, their products reduce irritation and promote a youthful, radiant complexion. With a commitment to high-quality, low-irritation formulations, O'Clearien strives to deliver effective skincare for all ages.
Mothers can confidently recommend O'Clearien to their daughters, knowing the brand upholds the purity and care that both generations can trust.
Mission : Natural Skin Solutions
The mission is clear: to create skincare products that are both effective and gentle. Each ingredient is meticulously selected to ensure essential nourishment and protection for your skin. This dedication to natural beauty aims to make you look and feel vibrant and healthy.
Promise : Honest and Effective Skincare
Crafted with natural plant extracts, the skincare line promises visible results while maintaining gentle care. Transparency in ingredient sourcing and formulation underscores a commitment to providing effective and pure skincare solutions.
Key Benefits
Deep Hydration: Trehalose ensures quick absorption and long-lasting moisture, keeping your skin hydrated all day.
Slow-Aging: Adenosine and Niacinamide work together to reduce wrinkles and brighten your complexion, revealing a more youthful appearance.
Gentle Care: Dermatologist-tested and free from parabens, PEG, and artificial fragrances, this toner mist is suitable for all skin types.
Natural Extracts: Enriched with Sedum, Centella Asiatica, Akebia Quinata, Coptis Japonica Root, and Chocolate Vine, it enhances hydration and soothing properties.
EWG Green Grade Certified: Safe and free from harmful ingredients, reflecting a commitment to both skin health and environmental care.
Key Ingredients
Clinical Test Completed : Skin Irritation
O'Clearien Layered Toner Mist has been clinically tested to ensure it is safe and non-irritating for the skin. In a skin irritation test conducted by the Global Medical Research Center, the product was applied to 32 participants for 24 hours using the IQ Ultimate® method. The test results showed an irritation score of 0.00, meaning the toner mist is free from skin irritation and has been rated as "Excellent." With its carefully selected ingredients that minimize irritation while supporting skin protection and care, O'Clearien Layered Toner Mist is a reliable choice for those seeking gentle, effective skincare.
In conclusion, this expansion into skincare reflects a deep commitment to bringing the best of nature to your beauty routine. With a focus on natural ingredients, effective results, and eco-friendly practices. Embrace the power of nature with this product, where your journey to radiant, healthy skin begins.
19 FEB 2025
05 FEB 2025
17 JAN 2025
27 DEC 2024
04 DEC 2024
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제보자의 신상정보와 제보내용은 보호되며, 제보자 본인의 동의 없이 그 신분을 노출하거나 이를 암시하는 어떤한 정보도 공개하지 않습니다.
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- 단, 익명 제보의 경우 내용이 구체적이지 않거나, 사실관계가 불분명할 경우 조사를 진행하지 않을 수 있습니다.
- 제보자에 대한 보복이나 불이익 제공 등의 제보자 보호 위반행위는 취업규칙 등 사내 규정에 따라 엄격히 처벌됩니다.
- 제보하기 코너는 안전한 보안체계로 보호되고 있으며, 제보조사 업무는 지정된 담당자에 의해 보안 유지 하에 처리됩니다
수집항목 : 성명,연락처
수집목적 : 제보에 따른 민원처리 및 처리결과 회신
보유기간 : 위 목적 달성시까지 보유하며, 제보 확인 이외의 다른 목적으로 사용되지 않습니다.