MakeUp in NewYork, Behind the scenes.
MUNY Exhibition in New York City
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MakeUp in NewYork, Behind the scenes.
MUNY Exhibition in New York City
More than just an exhibition, a precious moment in the city that never sleeps.
After our recent participation in MakeUp in New York, right in the heart of Manhattan, we invite you on an exclusive backstage tour through this article.
During the exhibition, CTKCLIP exclusive services have been exposed and explained in detail to our visitors through different supports.
We were thrilled to be one of the few booths that set up interactive and eye-catching digital visuals, such as Kiosks and iPad, to provide the best experience for our visitors and encourage them to sign up so we can stay connected even after the exhibition.
Summary of what CTKCLIP offers and introduced
1. Thousands of ingredients packed in innovative formulas, various packaging options and customizable cosmetics.
2. Exclusive services that promote quick cosmetics launches in no time, low minimum order quantities of quality products and promotional product samples (Speed to Market, MOQ1000, and Promotional Samples).
3. Inspiring contents covering beauty trends and beyond, bringing forth new ideas.
Presents for our visitors
After a day filled with beauty,
Let's go to a trendy Rooftop!
CTKCLIP continued the journey by privatizing the famous Spyglass Rooftop Bar in the heart of New York, known for its breathtaking view of the Empire State Building.
This cocktail party was important for us to meet up with our client in a more private setting and also put a face behind all the emails that we had been exchanging during that time.
-'What’s your favorite show?'
-'What about your dreams?'
Between two glasses, this moment was a great opportunity to go beyond professional lines and get to know each other better, surrounded by a relaxing atmosphere.
Chin, Chin! Cheers up with CLIP Team!
A special moment calls for a special drink! We have prepared a delicious cocktail called CLIP SPRITZ. Conscious of different dietary habits, non-alcoholic and vegetarian options have also been carefully set up to satisfy all taste buds.
Reconnecting with our existing clients in person was a truly gratifying experience. Hearing their success stories and the positive impact our solutions have had on their operations reinforced our commitment to excellence.
Moreover, the exhibition provided a platform for us to engage in meaningful discussions with potential partners. Exploring synergies and brainstorming ideas to exciting collaborations and innovative projects. These partnerships hold the promise of expanding our horizons and pushing the boundaries of what CTKCLIP can achieve.
Wait a minute, the adventure is not finished yet!
Let us meet again next year at Makeup in LosAngeles 2024!
All together, we're shaping a future filled with endless beauty possibilities.
From CTKCLIP with love
19 FEB 2025
05 FEB 2025
17 JAN 2025
27 DEC 2024
04 DEC 2024
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- 허위광고, 지적재산권 침해, 개인정보 보호 위반행위
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- 문서 및 계수 조작, 주주 및 회사의 이익에 반하는 행위
- 환경 및 인권 보호 위반행위, 지역 사회와의 상생 위반행위
- 기타 윤리경영 위반행위
제보자의 신상정보와 제보내용은 보호되며, 제보자 본인의 동의 없이 그 신분을 노출하거나 이를 암시하는 어떤한 정보도 공개하지 않습니다.
- 제보 사실에 대해 익명으로 제보 가능합니다.
- 단, 익명 제보의 경우 내용이 구체적이지 않거나, 사실관계가 불분명할 경우 조사를 진행하지 않을 수 있습니다.
- 제보자에 대한 보복이나 불이익 제공 등의 제보자 보호 위반행위는 취업규칙 등 사내 규정에 따라 엄격히 처벌됩니다.
- 제보하기 코너는 안전한 보안체계로 보호되고 있으며, 제보조사 업무는 지정된 담당자에 의해 보안 유지 하에 처리됩니다
수집항목 : 성명,연락처
수집목적 : 제보에 따른 민원처리 및 처리결과 회신
보유기간 : 위 목적 달성시까지 보유하며, 제보 확인 이외의 다른 목적으로 사용되지 않습니다.