Date Me!
Soft or chewy, small or big, once we start, we can’t stop eating these sweet dates,
reminding us of the rich taste of caramel and its texture. From flesh to seed,
our bodies can get many benefits from this incredible fruit for our inner and skin health.
So let’s go on a date!
From Sweetener to Skincare
Scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera, dates palm are one of the oldest plants cultivated by humans. The harvest of this fruit had several purposes from being a sweetener to an ingredient in beauty products. In ancient Egypt, it was primarily used as a natural sweetener in food. In terms of beauty, date palm flesh was used in moisturizing face masks, and the seeds were used as a natural skin exfoliant. Besides history, real data is available on their benefits to the skin. Date palms have been recognized for their anti-aging properties, owing to rich antioxidants that help the skin repair itself.
Inspired by Nature, Awaken the sleeping beauty
Have you heard about the 2000 years old date seeds? These seeds have been discovered at ancient archaeological sites and have attracted significant scientific interest due to their remarkable preservation. Inspired by this outstanding preservation of vitality, a patented human technology has been developed to activate skin restoration. Through a powerful double germination fermentation process, the nutrients and benefits of freshly harvested and sun-dried date seeds are harnessed and transferred to the skin. This combination of germination and fermentation enhances the bioavailability of nutrients and bioactive compounds from the seeds, allowing these beneficial components to better nourish and revitalize the skin. The fusion of germination and fermentation leads to a unique formula that helps the skin absorb nutrients and moisture more effectively, promoting skin preservation akin to the 2000-year-old date seed. Now, let's delve into the incredible world of Palm Date skincare routines.
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